Transitioning From The Bench Towards Scientific Writing

Transitioning From The Bench Towards Scientific Writing

Palo Alto, CA

291 Campus Drive Palo Alto, CA 94305
Speakers: Tiago Faial Abby Tabor Biology Communication 70 participants
Every major technology-based organization needs people who are good at writing scientific material for a variety of purposes, such as writing and editing for scientific journals, writing instruction manuals, advertising the products, writing news articles, communicating with investors, and also for maintaining a social media presence. If you enjoy researching information and writing about it, this may be the ideal career for you. There is high demand for these abilities in technology-based industries such as IT, pharmaceuticals, and biotech. Come learn more about it from Tiago Faial, a former Stanford postdoc and now an Associate Editor at Nature Publishing Group, and Abby Tabor, a science writer with the research communication start-up, MyScienceWork.

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