Recent Authors

5/27/2015 - Thorsten Melcher - "So, you want to be an entrepreneur?"
5/7/2014 - Ethan Perlstein - "Rise of the Indie Scientist"
8/1/2013 - Ajit Singh. "Enterpreneurship and Innovation"
6/13/2013 - Peter Vanderhorn. "I wish they told me when I was a PostDoc..."
4/25/13 - Jorge L. Garcia, DMV "Beyond the Medical Device: Bridging the Gap to Market"
2/27/2013 - Entrepreneur Postdoc Panel And Networking Event
1/30/2013 - Mostafa Ronaghi. "Bridging the gap between science, innovation and market"
11/7/2012 - Vinod Khosla. "MONEY MATTERS!"
7/18/2012 - Betty Kayton. "Getting your start-up off the ground: Views from a start-up CFO"
03/05/2012 - "Are YOU an Entrepreneur?" Part 2
02/27/2012 - "Are YOU an Entrepreneur?" Part 1
01/30/12 - Dr. Elizabeth Iorns. Co-founder, Science Exchange
11/30/2011 - Greg Papadopoulos, PhD "How to be an Outlier: The path from PhD to Industry to VC"
9/21/2011 - Avi Yaron, PhD (Founder & CTO of Visionsense)
8/31/2011 - Peter Reiss, PhD (Director of SIE and PRIE at Stanford) "Bridging Science and Business"
5/12/2011 - Konstantin Guericke (Co-Founder of LinkedIn) "Relationships Matter"
2/9/2011 - Kevin Lawton (Co-author, "The Crowdfunding Revolution") "Seminar on Crowdfunding"